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Wingard Home Men's Dorm

Currently, male residents of the Wingard Home are housed in a partitioned-off area of the women’s dorm. Next door to the women’s dorm is a home that will become the men’s dorm when renovation is completed. Until this project is finished, the Wingard Home’s capacity to house people is severely limited. When completed, this will double the number of people the Wingard Home can take in.

We would like to assist in the completion of this project. We’re anxious to help get the men’s dorm completed as quickly as possible so the Wingard Home can begin taking in more people.


We need volunteers to do the following: Carpentry, laminating, flooring, wiring, plumbing, sheetrock work, painting, etc.

If you’re interested in volunteering for this project, please contact John Chesney.

John Chesney
Local Missions Coordinator
Office (601) 592-0626
Fax (601) 592-0615
Cell (601) 594-8679
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it